is a few walk from Hilton Residence
(same if you live nearby)
recommend cab with meter for preventing any overcharge
still they have other ways to charge u more thou haha
have to put off your shoes here
and admission fee is based on their moods
yeah you pay as if how they feel HAHAHHA
(Sri Lankan so chill)

apparently main entrance.jpg

apparently main building.jpg
don't take serious cuz Sri Lankan is so chill THAT
you can't understand why they putting all "gods" from different countries together
its kinda messy actually

this is normal.jpg

this is not so normal.jpg

I cant understand.jpg
here they put EVERYTHING
as if they have so MANY THINGS
like plates, money and even little toys
so sometime it better not to understand why they're doing this

why putting these in a temple.jpg

plate for what.jpg

money next to WHAT.jpg
and the sign hahhaha
they dun have anyone look like guards or what
even so
they put the sign...
so "Srilankan style"

that show you should remind others.jpg

sign in middle of the room.jpg
saw an elephant & they hv kinda of ceremony
walking around the temple
but seems so poor naaaaa

respect the elephant.jpg
unconstructed area next to tourist attraction is very normal in Sri Lanka
kinda of Sri Lankan style hahahahah
smelly, with lots of unidentified materials...

dont feel shocked.jpg

shocked alr.jpg
we have passed by a temple and though is the Gangaramaya park
they asked for Rs300/pc
we didn't feel interested & trying to leave
then they offered us buy two get one free
we didn't feel interested either
then they offered us Rs300 for 3 ppl
its quite Lankan-style HAHAHHAHA

quite pretty though.jpg

not Gangaramaya park act.jpg


why you need to pay.jpg

the real one.jpg
walking back and saw so many skyrocketing building
which make you wonder whether you are staying in Sri Lanka or other well-developed countries
usually they are hotels or residence for high-flyers hv long-term stay
In contrast
some locals are wandering ard the street & beg for money or food
showing the social problem in Sri Lanka
(I'm staying in Colombo, which suppose to be the most advanced city in whole region)