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Club in Sri Lanka~Floor by O

we went to club tdy LOL

and i dun know how to dance ahahahahhah

WE WENT THOUGH independent square

hahahahha my first time ever in my life

they got big big grass, swimming pool and bar

reli a nice one

they also got live music & DJ in the rm~

I can't comment much cuz is my first time also

but overall not bad! (we need to leave at 2130 due to company policy sadddd!)

ordered a

lemonade blahblah Rs 325

i'm a good kid yeyeah

several snacks Rs 425

we ordered a few but forget to take foto hahhahah

we danced without moving my legs lol hahhahahah

btw Rs 2000 for men entrance (free for women)

u could use it for redeem~

btw it is recommended by one of our local manager in my company

the price is relatively high but at least it is safe

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