walking around we saw lotof building with colonial characteristics
and you can feel thata they are trying to develop the country
(though long way to go)

sky so clear.jpg

can't believe they have BR hereeeeeee

BR in town.jpg
blue house is kind of Portuguese style?
they are responsible for a housing project
its quite common to build apartment/residence for foreigners
cuz many high-flyers working here

blue house.jpg

developing city.jpg
In contrast, their public housing was like...
(this one not bad at all, some of them dun even have places to rest...)

public housing.jpg
memorial hall at the middle of main road LOL
so Sri-Lankan

memorial in middle.jpg
randomly passing the Sri Lanka National Hospital
WOW so pretty
not sure about the service
someone in company do teeth brace there for upper side of teeth
only cost USD900

so national.jpg