Usually I am not quite interested in church or cathedral but the stories behind are quite interesting for Bologna's churches.
#Basilica di San Petronio
There were terrorist attack in this church before. They have a painting of burning Islam, which anger the Islam people. Now, the painting is being hided for security reason.

They were having new year praying inside the church

#Basilica di Santo Stefano (seven church)
According to tradition Saint Petronius, a bishop of the city during the 5th century, built the basilica over a temple of the goddess Isis. The saint wished to have a building that recalled the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
The different parts of the complex include:
Church of Saint Stephen or of the Holy Crucifix (8th century, presbytery reshaped in 17th century), with the Crypt
Church of the Holy Sepulchre (according to tradition: 5th century)
Church of the Saints Vitale and Agricola (4th century, rebuilt first in the 12th century)
Courtyard of Pilate ("Santo Giardino", 13th century)
Church of the Trinity or of the Martyrium (13th century)
Chapel of the Bandage ("Cappella della Benda") dedicated to the strip of cloth worn around the head by the Virgin Mary as a sign of mourning.

To be honest, it is quite difficult to count all seven churches out or identify one church from the others. They were all connected and it's more like a big church with several compartment. It is quite dark inside the church, there are not much windows and lighting here. Outdoor is much more better and those buildings even represent the traditional Italian architecture style.

they are in Latvian

The churches are connected as one building

*It is necessary to denote for entering inside the building.