The death chamber impressed me the most. How can a person control the life and death of the others? But that's how they did here in concentration camp during WWII.
The prisoners stood here waiting for the previous one "leaving". They were told to "take a shower" and knew nothing about what is happening after a few minutes.

They were told to take off their clothes for "taking a shower"

Instead of taking a shower with water, they were taking a shower with toxic chemical and poisonous substances which killed them within a few minutes.

(while another one is waiting outside of the door)
The toxic chemical are so powerful that there are too many dead bodies. The SS soldiers would store the bodies next to the "shower" room.
The dead bodies were "queuing" again for being burnt.

I was wondering how the prisoners felt. Some of them are well-educated and protested for what Nazi did. They probably did know what is happening next. How did they feel when they noticed that it is not simply taking a shower, but something more horrible are waiting for them?
If WWIII are broke out, maybe it is easier to live as a SS soldier than a prisoner.
When we visited these place, we found it is unreasonable and unacceptable to do so. Why do we repeat the same history again? Something exactly is not happened yet but the political relations of the countries are tense. Recently, the North-South Korean relationship, Palestine and Israel on Jerusalem, as well as the protest in Iran...Too many things were happened that you cannot identify which one is more serious or urgent.
People always suffer for government's decision.