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Are they German or English? Was sind deine Hobbys/ German language

German language is quite systematic, like German people. Every words can be separated into a few parts and being explained Some even using the same words as English

Today, I would like to use hobbys as example:

Was sind deine Hobbys

Meine Hobbys sind....


verbs look similar with English

Try and guess!




video aufnehmen (nehmen ->make)

Yoga machen (machen -> make/do)

verbs sounds similar with English

kochen (cooken)

backen (baken)

Fußball spielen (Fussball ->Football)

***Even though the words are not from English, we can memorize them by their meaning

like Fahrrad fahren and Rad fahren

fahren means driving/riding

Rad means car and Fahrrad means car you have to ride, that is bicycle


Fahrrad fahren -> drive the car

Rad fahren -> ride the bicycle

Another example is ins Kino gehen

gehen means go/visit while Kino means cinema

so ins Kino gehen -> watch the movie (literally going to cinema)


words like flughafen means airport, so fliegen is related to flying

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