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Travel to France for free?/Wissembourg, France

#Germany-France broader

For any exchange student with VRN semesterticket, you can visit from Germany to France for free!!!

kinda crazy right!!!

don't have any history background but seems like wissembourg is a battle site during the Franco-Prussian war

taking 2-hour from Mannheim to Wissembourg

crossing the street and pass through the park, centre villa (tourist area is there!)

but I went the wrong way to another side of Wissembourg

all landmarks are located in this area and all in walking distance

#palais stanislas

under maintenance now

#Cité fortifiée de Wissembourg, L'Abbatiale Sts Pierre et Paul

church located with the statue

the day I went, there are some activities inside the church which required registration

the church bell will ring for each like 1 hour?

#maison du sel

I don't even know that kinda landmark

took pic because the building looks so cute hahah

rainy in the morning ....

#city center

I walked several time and realize "das ist tourist information", historical building which built in 1910s

they charged 0.1 for city map and several tourist information to other cities are also available here

they are closed at 12-2pm, same with many shops in France

they got unionpay ATM near the tourist information center as well

(visa, mastercard also available)

#Circuit Commenté en Mini Train

you may buy tickets from tourist information and seem they will cover all landmarks

including the walls and the lake area

Carrefour Express is the one inside the villa area, smaller shop and the price is fair

Aber the French cashier is so handsome hahahha

The locals drive to Simply Market and it's like 3 time larger than the previous one

The hams and yogurts are more expensive than the German one but they have more variety of products, like chips and cheese

#Musée Westercamp

The route included all historical buildings Wissembourg

I felt quite interested in visiting Museum yet it is closed:(

it more feels like nothing inside...

I also passed through a few spots like maison koblenz, Ancien couvent des Augustins

#Ancien couvent des Augustins

#maison koblenz with walls

another landmark like light tower here! Pulverturm is used for military use

there are a few locals hiking here as well, not much tourists here and I really like the big grass here~

I could definitely tell a difference between Germany and France, that Frenches like planting flowers everywhere

pass through the entrance and train station is nearby

so embarrassing of taking videos here cuz there are some residents

but it's feel like little Venice hahah

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