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Why could I hear Muslim praying when I'm in a church?/Muslim Quarter, Jerusalem

Sitting in the northwest corner of the Old City, the quarter is accessed through St. Stephen‘s Gate (Lion‘s Gate), Herod‘s Gate, and Damascus Gate. At the southern edge of the quarter sits the Temple Mount, where the Al-Aqsa Mosque now stands.

In fact, many Christian sites can be found in the Muslim Quarter, including the first seven of the Stations of the Cross as well as many churches, most famously St. Anne‘s. So I always confused which quarter am I in. Sometimes you will wonder why you can hear the prayer of Muslim inside a church LOL.

#Temple Mount

Temple Mount is one of the most important religious sites in the world. Located on Temple Mount is the Dome of the Rock, one of the most recognizable structures in Jerusalem. The golden dome of Dome of the Rock is seen everywhere, make you feel like you have been to the place for many time haha. For Muslims, Temple Mount is known as the Noble Sanctuary or Haram al-Sharif. The Al-Aqsa Mosque is the 3rd holiest site in the world in Islam. The Dome of the Rock is a shrine that contains the Foundation Stone and marks the spot where Muhammad ascended into heaven.

Yet, non-Muslim visitors can only enter in Temple Mount with limited opening hours, while not permitted to enter the Dome of the Rock or Al-Aqsa Mosque. But some of friends are managed to enter Al-Aqsa Mosque, even though they are not Muslim. We should act respectful, in term of behavior and dress-code. Jerusalem is hot in the afternoon, even in winter time. You should enter with property dress-code, that is long pants or skirt and T-shirt (better in loose).These places are meaningful to their believers, although they seems to be tourist attractions for us only.

#Khan al-Sultan

A khan was a hotel or inn. The Khan al-Sultan was built in 1386 as a hotel for traveling businessmen and merchants. Being close to the commercial center, it was quite successful. The khan was a communal building - the revenues of the inn were used for the upkeep of the al-Aksa Mosque.

#Church of the Holy Family

As mentioned above, there are some Christian sites located here and Church of the Holy Family is one of them. The Austrian Hospice of the Holy Family in Jerusalem, which opened its doors in 1863, was the first national pilgrims' guesthouse in the Holy Land. We was surprised because we were pressing the buttons and no one answered us. We had to wait for 15 minutes till someone came out and opened the door for us.

Like some private place of Christian building, we though it might be a private church only. Eventually, we entered to another building behind it, which is the guesthouse and restaurant. It is located next to a Muslim building and you can hear Muslim praying from time to time, that's quite amazing.

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