hmm I'm not good at introducing food or tasting stuff. But I'm so lucky to have our hosts to introduce all these local culture and food to us. A lots thanks to our hosts Davis, Ilaria and Beatrice, as well as my travel mate Dana.

It's unique culture in Italy. After WWII, people started having a drink after work and bars had to serve some snacks. To be more competitive than others, they eventually serve food like free buffet.
Drinks usually costs for € 10/
They offer traditional Italian food like pizza and even some Asian food like sushi and salmon for free buffet. They usually serve the food till 2100 (maybe longer for weekend)

I was so hungryyyy

(some even often free desserts)
Our host Davis brought us to one of his favourite bars. Friendly staff, high-quality food & drink and nice environment are all in decent price
*Their staff even ask me to take a photo of them when they realize I'm taking photos there
Bar details:
/Living liqueurs & delights
Piazza Sempione, 2
*There are many bars nearby and near to the castle as well.
/Foresta Woodbar
Via Celestino IV, 6, 20123 Milano MI, Italy
Espresso here usually costs €1, sometimes they will charge table service fee.

#ice cream
The famous one in Milano would be Contessa and chocolate. I tried mango flavor before. It tastes mango as fruits, rather than mango ice cream only.
for cone lover, most of the ice cream shops would have two type of cones. They usually offer you the "cheaper" cones since their costs are lower. But you can ask for the tasty one without paying extra, which usually look darker.

shop details
/Rivareno Gelato
Viale Col di Lana, 8, 20136 Milano MI, Italy

/Souvenir d'Italie
Via della Moscova, 39, 20121 Milano MI, Italy
I was so hungry and in a hurry to enjoy these food hahha