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3 points to be the master of photography!

Surprising there are a few photography workshops organised during my SEEDS workcamp. Our group leader is professional photographer and he had shared some techniques to us, which is quite useful for people who only use automatic mode like me

Aperture, shutter speed and ISO are key for taking photos for the camera/electrical device setting. There is no right or wrong for the setting but all about what you want to express in the picture.


F/2 F/16

Smaller number means bigger hole of the lens, therefore more light are coming to the picture. It's quite depends what kind of pictures you are taking. For focusing an object with blurred background, using F/2 would be probably more suitable than F/16. However, there are no specific items to be focused for landscape, it would be better to have deep depth of field by focusing the whole picture, thus F/16 be better than F/2

Shutter speed

Unlike aperture that is a setting for lens, shutter speed is set in camera, it indicates how long the light go inside the camera. Compare 1/8000 and 1/8, there are less light coming in for 1/8000, which make the pictures looks darker. Usually faster shutter speed is used for moving objects (athletes doing sports).


It refers to the sensitivity of the camera to light. Compare ISO 100 and ISO 1000, more lights came in ISO 1000. At the same time, there are more noises for ISO 1000 because more energy is required for camera to sense the light, there would have more spots in ISO 1000. It is not recommended to have high ISO setting.

White balance

Human can identify white color, but camera cant. White balance helps the camera to identify the white. Using different mode of white balance would put different effects to the pictures. Like more blue looks more gloomy.

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