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Sunny day in Reykjavik peninsula, Iceland

1 day

day tour

nature/hot spring/seashore/lighthouse/boarder


The local agent usually offers day tour of Reykjavik peninsula and Blue Lagoon. However, the locals here said it is too tourist and not hygiene. You can imagine people "chilling" here with beers for a few hours without going up to washrooms. - How can they pee - Another reasons would be its price, there are so many spa in Iceland but in a half price. But it is quite depends on how you want to visit.

Before going up Krysuvik, there is a lake nearby.

#Krysuvik geothermal Area

- A well-maintained boardwalk winds through the bubbling and hissing geothermal area, with informative signage explaining all the important geological facts. The massive solfatara steaming away on the hilltop is a tempting attraction, even for those with tired legs, and the spectacular view of the surrounding area is well worth the extra legwork. As a short side-trip, you can also explore the coastline, where you’ll discover the stunning cliffs of Krýsuvíkurbjarg—an area renowned for its rich birdlife -

However, they are man-made by drilling. The smell of hot springs are strong because Icelandic hot water used to have strong egg smell. It's like a little hiking path but it's not that impressed if you visit Geysir. They are now under maintenance in another way of walking path so you have to walk back.

#lighthouse near Gunnhver area

Reykjanesviti lighthouse on Reykjanes peninsula is an iconic historic structure. Few buildings in Iceland—or in the world—are as imposingly located. It was Iceland’s first lighthouse but they have two versions of the lighthouses. The original one was built in 1878 but got severely damaged in a large earthquake that struck in 1887. The current version was built on safer ground in 1907 at Bæjarfell hill.

Amazing seashore with the sunshine. It's our first sunny day officially! You could even climb up the hill nearby and have a better view from the top

Another hot spring attraction. But it's a bit different that you can feel its heat and you can walk through the steam. I would say it's better to wear a hat because the steam like shower rain.

The area is close to Reykjanes lighthouse and is collectively named Gunnuhver after a female ghost that was laid there. She had caused great disturbance until a priest set a trap for her and she fell into the spring. This happened about 400 years ago.The mud pools take form where steam from boiling geothermal reservoir water emanates and condenses and mixes with surface water. Accompanying gases such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide make the water acid.

#Midlina, Bridge America - Europe

We are kinda in North America! It probably seems impossible to walk from Europe to North America within a few seconds. But Iceland is a magical place and it is! Midlina, also known as ‘Leif the Lucky Bridge’, is a 15 meter (50 ft) footbridge in the Reykjanes Peninsula spanning a gaping rift between the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates. It's quite interesting and we made jokes of sending our American friend back by hiking haha

It's less tourists route and the attractions are close to each other, so it is fine to spend more time on each attractions. However, the price of this tour is similar with others like South Coast. I wouldn't recommend this tour if you are in tight schedule.

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