It happened a few days before my trip to Israel, so now I'm still struggling whether I should go Israel or not.
So what the fuck he did to Jerusalem
Currently, there are one-third of hot news in BBC are related to the US. Trump decided to set up nuclear base in South Korea. And one day later, he said he will move Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
What is the meaning of moving Embassy?
Embassy usually located in capital of a country. Moving embassy to Jerusalem means that they recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
But wait...Isn't Jerusalem located in Israel?
Ahha it's too complicated to express so I would recommend you to read some professional articles like Israel and the Palestinians: Can settlement issue be solved?
However, you can read what I wrote if you feel lazy and not fucking care about what is happening in Middle East. That could possibly happened because some people only know about ISIS for Middle East.

Israeli–Palestinian conflict
It is a long story...Anyway Palestine wanted to set up their capital in East Jerusalem while Israel want to have the whole Jerusalem as their capital. However, they don't have specific discussion on Jerusalem issue in peace process in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Even though Israel set Jerusalem as its own capital, it is not recognized in international law. So other countries located their Embassy in Tel Aviv, instead of Israel.
Is it safe to visit Israel after Trump's move?
What is safe? Israeli–Palestinian conflict happened for a while and the locals said same things actually happened every day. For foreigners, it is easier to travel through Israel and Palestine than the local citizens. However, it is possible for people getting more radical and have more violence action. It is advised not to visit the conflicts area like West bank and even old city of Jerusalem. Those are main attractions for visitors so it's quite depends on what is your purpose to Israel. Is it worth to take the risks even though you cannot manage to visit the places you planned to go?
That's why I'm struggling!