If anything wrong with the place name, blame google map!!! You won't use google map and search where are you going next in Venice simply because you don't need to! The place is tiny but with many

#Bridge of Sighs

When you walk in St. Mark's square, you will pass one of the most famous canal. As you can see in the picture, the museum is located next to this canal. It is super crowded because everyone is imagining to have a cool picture and post it in social media. (Just kidding haha) In fact, you can take a selfie with many many people behind you only.
#Rialto Bridge
The bridge looks a bit creepy, I have to admit it is not a good one...

But this is what you saw from the bridge

Even though we came after Christmas, there were many Christmas decoration

btw You shall know that boat is the only transport available here. Postmen with lot of packages can use trolley only.